Effective Agile Development offers a complete array of courses aimed at making your software development team more effective. Whether you need Agile and SCRUM process training or developer courses in Design Paterns, Code Quality and Test Driven Development, we have it all.
As of March 2020 all our training is live and virtual. We are offering the same classes, certification and trainer with the addition of the remote working and collaboration tools required for this challenging time.
Our on-site training saves you money on travel and puts a world-class trainer and coach into your environment where they can be the most help to your team. Before the class the assigned trainer will conduct an assessment of your team and their expectations for the course. Armed with this information they will adjust the course plan to deliver the highest value possible.
All of our classes are built with the needs of the adult learner in mind. Our course architects are experienced and understand the process of delivering technical training successfully. Although learners have many styles of learning, we feel that a hands-on approach is best. Our courses are chock-full of interactive exercises that are not only fun and popular, but truly deliver the learning to the engaged student.

Our trainers have broad experience and a passion for the courses they teach. Each one is trained and certified to teach each course by the course architect. This insures not only that the trainer completely understands the goals of the course design, but also how to deliver the course effectively.
Contact info@EffectiveAgileDev.com for more information about any of our courses!